UCM presentation UCM2018 Chair : Prof Eric Collet and Prof Shin-ichi Ohkoshi
Information about UCM2018 can be downloaded here The first edition of the "Ultrafast Control of Materials" school and symposium will be held in the new PNRB building on the Beaulieu campus of the University Rennes 1, in France, from Monday 11th to Thursday 14th June 2018. UCM2018 aims at gathering experts interested in the study of the control of the physical properties of materials with a special focus on ultrafast science. Topics covered during this meeting will include recent advances in photoinduced phenomena, non-linear phononics, THz science, elastic cooperativity, strong electric field effects and X-FEL science. The goal of this meeting is to have intense and frank scientific exchanges in a very friendly atmosphere on the emerging topics appearing with new laser-based techniques for controlling and understanding materials at work. During the school: six plenary lectures, covering the various aspects of the field will be given by: - Antoine Georges at the collège de France on "Non-linear phononics". - Koichiro Tanaka on "THz science applied to materials". - Sumio Ishihara on "Theory of high laser electric field effects on materials" - Laurent Cario on "Mott materials and applications" - Hervé Cailleau on "Challenges in Material's control". - Marco Cammarata on "Ultrafast X-FEL Science". For the symposium part: The 13 invited presentations (30 min each): E. Abreu, B. Arnaud, K. Boukheddaden, I. Ciofini, C. Enachescu, S. Haacke, S. Iwai, E. Janod, S. Ohkoshi, Y. Okimoto, S. Ravy, A. Subedi, S. Miyashita, 21 oral communications (20 min each) will provide researchers the opportunity to share their results. Lunch, dinner and coffee breaks, will also encourage scientific exchanges around various posters. The excursion to Saint-Malo includes a visit and dinner intra-muros. Attendance will be limited to 100 participants.
Scope: Challenges in ultrafast control of materials and emergence of functions Ultrafast control applies to a broad variety of materials, from hard condensed matter to molecular materials, showing diverse changes of physical properties such as conductivity, magnetism, ferroelectricity, photochromism... The main topics are about:
The registration fee (200 €) include lunches, dinners, coffee breaks and excursion to Saint-Malo with dinner intra-muros. Accommodation are not included in the registration fee.
the CNRS, Univ Rennes 1, the SFP, the ANR, the Université de Rennes 1, Université de Nantes, Université du Maine, Université de Versailles de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, and four universities from Japan, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tohoku University, and Kyoto University. |