CommitteesChair : Prof Eric Collet and Prof Shin-ichi Ohkoshi
Scientific committee: Prof Shin-ya Koshihara (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Prof Sumio Ishihara (Tohoku University) Prof Shinichiro Iwai (Tohoku University) Prof Seiji Miyashita (The University of Tokyo) Prof Koichiro Tanaka (Kyoto University) Prof Herve Cailleau (Université Rennes 1) Prof Laurent Cario (Université de Nantes) Prof Pascal Ruello (Université du Maine) Prof Kamel Boukheddaden (Université de Versailles de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines)
Organizing committee: Roman Bertoni Laurent Guérin Maciej Lorenc This meeting is organized by the Department Materials and Light of the Institut Physique Rennes and by the International laboratory LIA IM-LED directed by Prof. Eric Collet and Prof. Shin-ichi Ohkoshi and funded by the CNRS, Univ Rennes 1, Univ Nantes, Univ Maine, Univ Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines in France, and four universities from Japan, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tohoku University, and Kyoto University. |